Uruz Hasht is a platform and online market for buying and selling cryptocurrency, in Uruz Hasht there are more than 800 currencies available to buy and sell, and new currencies are added to this list every day.
Erez eight has special features and plans for its users.
Earn money by subcategory and free wheel of chance (you can spin the wheel every 24 hours!)
🔳 Some features of currency eight:
🔘 The lowest rate and fee
🔘 Free daily lucky wheel
Fast and professional support
Earning 30% of fees
🔘 Wallet to keep all currency
🔘 Design with easy and user-friendly interface
🔘 Unlimited trading of all cryptocurrencies
Viewing the current rate of currencies in the chart
🔘 Easy and fast login to the program using fingerprint
🔘 User account security by activating two steps (SMS, email, Google and Telegram)